Thursday 22 December 2016


Just Like USA or CHINA; Do You Know That In EPL Man U is Now the Destination For Old Players?
Ibrahimovic.........35 Years
Carrick................35 Years
Schweisteiger......32 Years
Rooney................31 Years
Valencia...............31 Years
Young..................31 Years
That's Why Even their Stadium is Called OLD Trafford


It’s better for a man to be stingy with his money because he hustled for it than a woman to deny you a hole she didn’t drill.

Sunday 18 December 2016


"Only a black man will have unprotected sex with a girl he just met at the Club,then get in his car and put on a safety belt like he didn't try to kill himself a  minute ago!"😜😜😜

Saturday 17 December 2016


*A man caught a thief at night in his kitchen. Just when the man was going to raise the alarm,the thief said:"Do you remember what I said in the Bible?I said "I will come like a thief in the night"."I have come again. Blessed are you among men that you have stayed awake as I told you." Then the man looked at the thief, smiled and replied, "Sir, you have fallen into the hands of Pontius Pilate again!"* I will nail u today!


Friday 16 December 2016


Some girls are funny they will tell a guy that "it's over between us"
When the guy says Okay, she will be like
"Just like that?"
What were you Expecting my sister?? A Closing Ceremony?

Monday 12 December 2016


When a girl texts you "Hi" You reply "Hello" Then she texts you "I have missed you, Can you do me a favor"
I advice you to quickly switch off your phone, and remove the battery, infact remove the Sim card too....My brother protect your wallet at any cost.


Wife: I know my husband is having an affair with his secretary.
Maid: (giggles)..., you only saying that to make me jealous

Friday 9 December 2016


Guys, I've started receiving texts mostly from ladies like:
"Its been a while"
"I Missed you so much".
"You're so sweet my dear".
"Where are we celebrating Xmas?"



No weapon formed against my wallet will prosper this December...



*Rich people go to private hospitals, they send their children to private schools,use private jet.....but thank God we all have private parts (rich or poor)...kkkkkk!!!*


Thursday 8 December 2016


A text massage to the wife.            
Dear wife: I was supposed to come today but there some riots in town so will find somewhere where I can hide. Miss chateka has offered me some space at her home to rest. Will come tomorrow.

Wife: alright hun even here masoja yavuta whipping everyone. So am afraid. But our neighbour Mr chitalu has offered to come and stay with me for tonight for protection and power has just gone so my fon will be off. Bye love u.

Husband: ohhhh nooo am coming I think the riot has ended...😆😆😆😆😆

Wednesday 7 December 2016


Advice for the Guys.
Dating one decent and loyal girl makes u a bigger boy than gathering ten cheap sluts. One Messi is better than the whole Manchester United team.😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Dear ladies, the way you keep quiet when you find money in your man's pockets while doing his laundry, is also the same way you must keep quiet when you find used condoms in there.😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Tuesday 6 December 2016


A man brings his best friend home for dinner at 7.30pm after work. He hadn't announced to his wife so she was very upset.
His wife begins screaming at him and his friend is just sitting there looking shocked.
Wife: "The dishes are not done, the house is a mess, there is no grocery and I can't be bothered with cooking tonight! Why the hell did you bring him home?"
Husband: "Because he is thinking of getting married and I promised him a live demo!"

Sunday 4 December 2016


*I am proud when my Ex girlfriends are getting married it shows that my relationship academy is doing extremely well   because it produces women that can be wives.......December intake in progress*🤓🤓🤓 *limited space tell ladies who are intrested to register nw*

Wednesday 23 November 2016


Son: Mummy at what  age can I go out and  return at the time I like?

Mom: Even your father has not reached that age


They say milk gives strength. I have drunk 4 cups of milk and i  was not even able to move a wall. But when i drunk 4 bottles of beer, i saw walls moving themselves. Hmmmm These scientists should stop their lies!

Thursday 17 November 2016



A man in a hotel, accidentally hits a womans breast with his elbow,The man apologizes saying "if your heart is as soft as your breast you will forgive me".The woman replies.....hhmmm "if your dick is as hard as your elbow am in room 43.


Two friends were walking home and a lady happened to be blowing a kiss to one of them from the window of a storey building.
Their conversation went as follows:

1st friend: Man, it looks like that babe is blowing kiss at me.

2nd friend: Guy leave that one, no mind her.
(Then the lady signaled to him to come)

1st friend: Man the babe is calling me!

2nd friend: My friend, don't go.

1st friend: Why would you ask me not to go when a fine babe like this calls me?

2nd frnd: Guy l beg you, don't go, please don't go (feeling pity)

(The friend ignored him and went over to the lady, she went to meet him and they both went upstairs. Suddenly as they were about to have fun, they heard a car honking)

Lady: (on opening the window) Ha! That's my husband!!

1st friend: Shit! I'm in trouble!!

Lady: Don't worry, just pretend like you're the laundry man and iron these clothes (pointing at a heap of clothes)
(This guy spent the whole day ironing clothes because husband never left home that day again.
 The next day he went over to his friend's place)

1st friend: Pal, can you believe that it was clothes l ironed throughout yesterday?

2nd friend: But I told you not to go. All those clothes you ironed, l WASHED THEM!

Sunday 13 November 2016


New word added to English vocabulary;
-Clinton~ to lose something unexpectedly after a minimum of 40years of prep👆🏽😂,
Adjective• Clintonize ~ to take something or grab something from someone by surprise without the person expecting.
Clintonized• to be stripped of all your hopes. e.g.- My hopes for the wedding have been clintonized.

Saturday 12 November 2016


*A man is like shoe laces, he has to go through many holes before he ties the Knot.*
*Can I get an Amen*

Friday 11 November 2016


*```Sex is the only sport in the world without refrees, no spectators as well and is never abandoned due to weather. Players are naked, scores are counted in terms of shorts. There are no winners or loosers. Each team enjoys, celebrates shouts and screams when they are ready to score and often go silent thereafter. DO U HAVE A MATCH TODAY ?????????????????```*

Thursday 10 November 2016


Now i always watch my wedding video in reverse and i love the end when she takes the ring off, goes out, jumps in the car and heads back to her father's home...

Tuesday 8 November 2016


A man brings his best buddy home for dinner... unannounced at 7.30 pm after work.
His wife begins screaming at him and his friend just sits and listens in.
Wife: The dishes are not done, the house is a mess, there is no grocery and I can't be bothered with cooking tonight! You will see what to do with your visitors. Why the hell did you bring him home? Im off to bed.

Husband: Because he's thinking of getting married and I promised him a demo first!



A prostitute asked a doctor to make another hole near her ass. The doctor was surprised and asked why? She answered, business is going well, I want to open another branch 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


*```CHELSEA```*... its only one season without
the league title

*```MAN CITY```*.....its only two seasons
without the league title

*```MAN UTD```*......its only three seasons
without the league title

*```ARSENAL```*............ no information available try again later!!!!!��������������������������

*```LIVERPOOL```* not found "did you mean swimming pool"

Sunday 6 November 2016

How to Spend Weekend while Enjoying it at Fullest

After working hard in your weekdays, of course you need a good break so the question is how to spend your weekend while enjoying it at fullest. As you must learn how to use your time efficiently, there are plenty of options available if you plan well.

So here are the ideas/ways to live your Saturdays/Sundays:

1. Your interest: Yes, 95% of things depends on your interest. So please conclude whether you like watching movies, playing sports, roaming around with your friends or you love seeing places. So when you came to know what things makes you feel good, you can decide well. I must say the time flies like anything so plan it well and live at fullest.

2. Laugh a lot: All week days, you control your reactions and stop yourselves from doing anything with freedom. So please when the time comes, laugh as much as possible. Read and share some jokes/pranks, watch comedy shows and let your funny bone works well. When you successfully do it, you will much better and relaxed. You can try this.
3. Do the work you actually like: Whether you are doing Job or other activities, sometimes you do it to survive in your regular life. When you've got this free time, listen to your heart. Do the work you actually like. It may be some blogging, or practicing some sport or writing some lyrics or singing. It can be anything, But just forget about what others will say, just do it. You fee a sense of satisfaction from your inner soul.

Spare time for the person who care for you: Yes, don't be too selfish. Life is all about what you give to others so care for he people who care for your all the working days. Give them the gift of time which is very valuable for them. Talk to them, smile with them, listen their problems and appreciate their efforts. This will boost their energy and your relation will be better.

Have a sound Sleep: All the time, you keep on running. Come on, relax. Your body is not a machine and it needs some rest. Have a good sleep with no worries. It will keep you away from lot of health disease.

No Calls please: Oh, mobile! It is spoiling our freedom. You can not sit relax for a moment. It keeps on ringing and with every call, a new stress takes place. So please for the sake of weekend, switch it off! Be free and carry no worries. Believe me, It gonna give you an amazing experience.

We are sure that you gonna like this post and it will bring a good change into your lives. Share it.

Thank you

Friday 4 November 2016


Yoh😁That Moment When The Food At The Funeral Tastes Soooo good You Feel Like Shouting "Next Week... Same Time... Same Place 😹😹


The only person a woman attentively listens to and obeys sincerely and does exactly as he says is a PHOTOGRAPHER, otherwise if you're not a photographer, sit down and be strong.

Tuesday 1 November 2016


Quote of the Day

Its better to sit in a bar thinking about God than to sit in a church thinking about beer.

Sunday 30 October 2016


Saturday 29 October 2016


Treat your Girlfriend like a tooth brush....
Dont let anyone touch or use it, only you and
you alone....
Keep it clean and safe.....
And please, remember to change it after every 3
Its healthy.


The man approached a very beautiful woman in
the large supermarket and asked, "You know,
I've lost my wife here in the supermarket. Can
you talk to me for a couple of minutes?"
"Because every time I talk to a beautiful
woman my wife appears out of nowhere."


Attendance in Church last sunday
1. People = 85
2. Bibles = 27
3. Phone Chargers = 307
4.. Power banks 132.         
God is watching .

Last Seen:
Whats app -1 minago
Facebook -2mins ago
Twitter-5mins ago
Instagram    10mins- ago
Bible      last seen. 2015
Beer  -online.
God is watching!
Going to another group to announce to them🎙


Zuma : I have your daughter
Malema : Bring my daughter back you rubbish
Zuma : How much do you have?
Malema : I'll give you R500 000
Zuma : Hell no I want something with million
Malema : Okay I'll give you half a million
Zuma : Now you talking

Thursday 27 October 2016


STUPID KID: A boy was looking at his mother's driving license card. It was written SEX:" F " , he then started laughing until the mother asked why he was laughing. The boy said "I can't believe you are so bad at sex that you even got an" F." Now i understand why Daddy left you.

Tuesday 25 October 2016


A little fun economics to lighten up your day ....

Wife to her Accountant husband:
what is inflation?
Earlier you were 36-24-36. But now you are
Though you have everything bigger than before, your value has become less than before.
This is INFLATION .😜

Economics is not that difficult if we have the right examples.
Interviewer: What is Recession?
Candidate: When "Wine & Women" get replaced by "Water & Wife", that critical phase of life is called Recession!!😜

Accountancy fact:
What is the difference between Liability & Asset?
A drunk friend is liability.
A drunk Girlfriend is an Asset.

An Economist beautifully explained two reasons for having 2 wifes.
A- Monopoly should be broken.
B- Competition improves the quality of service.
If u have 1 wife, She fights with u!
If u have 2 wives, They will fight for u!
Feel the difference & decide
Sender is not having any such experience and not responsible for any side effects..
When you are in love,
Wonders happen.
But once you get married,
You wonder, what happened.
Philosophy of marriage :
At the beginning,
every wife treats her husband as GOD..
Later, somehow don't know why..
alphabets get reversed..
Secret formula for married couples...
"Love One Another"
And if it doesn't work, bring the last word in the middle.!!!!
Don't laugh alone pass it on !!🌌 😄😄

Monday 24 October 2016


Manchester United stress can make you look for a seat belt in the toilet..

This kind of stress can make you go to a funeral of someone you don't know just to cry so hard without anyone judging you.

If you are not careful It can make u dial your lover's number on the microwave


Mourinho's wife (early this morning): Wake up Jos�, it's five.
Mourinho: WHAT they've scored another goal? Wife: No, it's

Sunday 23 October 2016


😜Qoute of the Day😜
Relationships are like Zimbabweans
Most of them are not working😜😛😝


A young mosquito went out flying for the first time in it's life. The father asked, how does it feel? The mosquito replied, it was great! Everyone was clapping for me. The father replied, they weren't clapping for you. They wanted to kill you, the more they clapped, the more chances you are likely to die.
In life, not all the people who celebrate you are well wishers. So be watchful,  cos the enemy that will kill will not come with a sword, but with a smile!


A man caught a thief at night in his kitchen. With aloud voice  the thief said; ...Do you remember what I said in the Bible? " that I will come like a thief in the night,so stay awake". I have come again and this time its in your house. You are blessed among all men because you have stayed awake as I told you. And the man looked at him with a flinty smile and said sorry 'Jesus', you have again fallen into the house of Pontius Pilate, I will crucify you today. 😂😂😂😂


A man caught a thief at night in his kitchen. With aloud voice  the thief said; ...Do you remember what I said in the Bible? " that I will come like a thief in the night,so stay awake". I have come again and this time its in your house. You are blessed among all men because you have stayed awake as I told you. And the man looked at him with a flinty smile and said sorry 'Jesus', you have again fallen into the house of Pontius Pilate, I will crucify you today. 😂😂😂😂

Thursday 20 October 2016



A boy was looking at his mother's driving license card. It was written SEX:" F " , he then started laughing until the mother asked why he was laughing.

The boy said "I can't believe you are so bad at sex that you even got an" F."

Now i understand why Daddy left you.


Teacher : Our topic for today is photosynthesis,,,,Ben what is photosynthesis??
Ben : Photosynthesis is our topic for today.

🗣huyai mutore vana venyu
l quit!!

Wednesday 19 October 2016


Nobody teaches Volcanoes how  to erupt,
Nobody teaches Tsunamis how to devastate,
Nobody teaches Hurricanes how to sway around
No one teaches a man How to choose a wife,



Pliz dont make a woman cry, for a womans tears are expensive. When a single drop comes out, it mixes with Loreal eyeliner-$11,50, and Revlon mascara-$18,50.When it rolls down the cheek it further mixes with D &G blusher-$15, and Mac powder-$9,50. Finally when it gets to the lips it mixes with Maybelline lipstick-$12 and Avon lipgloss-$4,50.This means a single tear drop is ruining about $70. Pliz dont make them cry.
At least make men cry coz its only vaseline-$1,50.


If my wife is cheating on me & you decide to tell me, then you owe me a new wife...
I can't be single because you couldn't mind your own business.

Tuesday 18 October 2016


Indians don't play soccer because once the referee gives them a corner they want to open a shop....```



1. Where Beer is important than Water.
2. Where sex is free but love is costly.
3. Where crime & rape is higher than education.
4. Where funerals is a platform for fashion, style & gossip.
5. Where having sex is magic, a baby appears & the father disappears.
6. Where social grant form is more important than job application form

Enjoy our south african life style 👊


A couple drove down a country road for several miles, not saying a word. An earlier discussion had led to an argument and neither of them wanted to concede their position. As they passed a barnyard of mules, goats and pigs, the husband asked sarcastically,

"Relatives of yours?"

"Yep," the wife replied, "in-laws."


*Eddy* offers a  drink to *Evelyn*.

*Evelyn*: No thanx, I don't take whisky, its bad for my legs!
*eddy*: legs? Dats strange, do they swell or hurt?
*Evelyn*: No, they open easily!!


Monday 17 October 2016


: A married lawyer made love to his girlfriend inside his car one day. The girl enjoyed it so much that she forgot her panty. On getting home, his wife saw the girls panty in the car. She got mad and tore it into pieces screaming. Honey! Honey!! Honey!!! What's this? The lawyer calmly replied. My God, you've just destroyed evidence of a rape case worth millions of pounds. She quickly fell on her knees apologizing. Honey please forgive me, God will bring another one! ......😳😳😳😳😳

Friday 14 October 2016


When asked the similarities between A Woman & Alcohol...

Shakespeare Replied :-
They both have the amazing Qualities of giving Pleasure at Night and a Headache in the Morning !


After being appointed minister, a former government critic was asked why he stopped criticizing the government.

 He replied, "In Africa it's bad manners to talk while you are eating."??


Police Officers Biblical Defence on Bribery.

A police officer stopped a pastor for speeding.

The Pastor seeing trouble, yelled back: “I am a pastor to church not a thief”

The officer replied: “Please, leave that pastor thing. Anyway, if you are indeed a pastor, then you must have a Bible in your car. Bring it.”

The Pastor speedily brought out his Bible to prove his honesty and to be freed.

“Please read Matthew 5:25-26 to me.” Said the police man.

Incredulously, Pastor opened the recommended text and it reads: “Settle matters quickly with your adversary who is taking you to court. Do it while you are still with him on the way, or he may hand you over to a judge, and the judge may hand you over to the officer, and you may be thrown into prison. I tell you the truth; you will not get out until you have paid the last penny”

The perplexed man of God upon interpretation “QUIETLY” made an “offering” of a "few shillings" to his newly found “preacher”.

The Officer collected his bribe and said to the pastor, “End of the matter. Go quickly in peace and never argue that policemen collect bribe. We only settle matters quickly and peacefully with all offenders instead of taking them to court to be thrown into prison. It's part of our job.

Thursday 13 October 2016


I remember when I was a kid my dad gave me money to pay the electricity bill at Zesa but instead i bought a raffle ticket for a brand new car at our school. When i got home,i explained to my dad what i did and he beat the crap out of me.

But the next day,when my dad woke up and opened the door,outside our house was a brand new car. We all cried especially me,because the car was from Zesa, they were there to cut off the electricity, my dad beat the crap out of me again.



At 18, they want handsome men.
At 25, they want successful men.
At 40, they want established men.
At 50, they want faithful men.

At 18, they want pretty young girls.
At 25, they want pretty young girls.
At 40, they want pretty young girls.
At 50, they want pretty young girls.

Tuesday 11 October 2016



A NEW longest muscle in the body
has just been discovered. It is called palpebral
anal muscle connecting the upper eye lid to the
anus. That is the reason why when you blink an
eye the anus opens.


I bet u r now busy blinking your eye to feel if the anus will open up. 😃 😀😀😀.

Thursday 6 October 2016



Witchcraft is when a guy knows deep down his heart that he wont marry you but cant let you go



Him: Babe are you ok?????
Her: I'm Pregnant ??
Him : What? But we used protection ??
Her : Did I say its yours?? ????

Wednesday 5 October 2016


If you're uncircumcised,  there's no need to use a condom, just tie your foreskin and enjoy ????!!

Tuesday 4 October 2016


If she removes both her jeans and panty at the same time. . . use a  condom??????

#ministry of health ?????????


Girl: I want a man who can give me 50% of his salary.
Guy: My dear sister, Even God Said we give him 10% of our salary.. Who do u think you are..??God's Mother??..



Why condoms are packed in 3s, 6s &
A man walks into a drug store with
his 8-year old son. They happen to
walk by the condom display, and the
boy Asks, "What are these, Dad?"
To which the man
Matter-of-factly replies, "Those are
called condoms, son.
Men use them to have safe sex."
Oh, I see," replied the boy pensively.
"I've heard of that in health class at
He looks over the display and picks
up a package of 3 and asks, Why are
there 3 in this package?"
The dad replies, "Those are for high
school boys, one for Friday, one for
Saturday, and one for Sunday.."
"Cool" says the boy... He notices a 6
pack and asks, "Then, who are these
"Those are for college men," the dad
answers. "TWO for Friday, TWO for
Saturday, and TWO for Sunday."
"WOW!" exclaimed the boy, "Then,
who uses THESE?" he asks, picking
up a 12-pack.
With a sigh and a tear in his eye, the
dad replied, "Those are for married
men. One for January, one for
February, one for March....up to
The boy replied; "I am not getting
married. 😀😀


Man was sentenced 5 yrs in jail.After the jail term he
went home and pleaded with the village head to
call all villagers as he had somethng to say to them.
The village head did likewise and the villagers
gathered at an open space.
The ex-conivict then stood up with an axe in his hand and said,"as u all know that i was in jail for 5
yrs,during my absence there was a man who took
advantage of this situation and had a love affair
with my wife.
The man is here in our midst and i have decided to
go back to jail after i have killed this man. He said these words as he moves into the croud.
Seven men stood up and started to run away,,,The
man fainted upon seeing that among those
running away was,his father,younger brother,his
two friends and the village head himself.


Ladies,Have you ever seen a handsome smart composed guy driving slowly and packs the lexus/forester near your vits and says a calm hey with a smile then enters a supermarket? You also enter pretending you were going there.He picks a small troley and your mind goes: wow he is single.he must be picking a packet of milk and the small toothpaste.
He picks the big packet of pumpers medium.
You are like; I must make sure he doesn't think I wanted him.
So you pick the same and say to him ....mmh seems our babies are of the same age huh.....
'Oh,actually these are for my nephew.My sister in law requested me to pick for her on my way home.....congrats for being a mother.'
He leaves immediately and you are almost shouting.....'hey what a coincidence,these are for my cousin's baby...'
Satan  is real.😂😂


*The Perfect Man*

- wakes up at 5 am everyday
- exercises everyday
- makes his own bed
- cleans his room
- works sincerely
- does not touch alcohol
- helps in the kitchen
- does not indulge in night life
- always punctual
- prays daily
- hits the bed at 9 pm sharp

Such a perfect man can only be found in....


Monday 3 October 2016


A policeman searched me in a nightclub toilet last night and found a small bag of drugs(cocaine).
"It's not my fault," I said, "every time I try flushing them down the toilet they magically appear back in my pocket again!"
"Do you really expect me to believe that?" Said the policeman as he laughed. I then replied, "I'll prove it to you if you want me to!" "Go on then." The policeman said as he smiled. Handing me the bag.
After flushing them, the policeman looked at me and said, "Well, show me your pocket then." "What for?" I asked. Police said "The drugs!" I replied, "What drugs?

Sunday 2 October 2016

Ways to Laugh - Jokes, Comedy Shows, Funny Inc and more

Some people are so humorous that they find a reason have laughter in any situation. Actually, they know how important it is to enjoy in life so they do.

This proverb is right that where there is a will, there is a way. If you also want to make yourself as well as others laugh some popular sources are as follows:

1.) Jokes: Yes, it the decades, this source is the best way to have fun. It gives you 2 benefits. One is your communication skill improves. You speak alot and your expressions come out. People understand you better. And the second benefit is you become their favourites. They like you and they appreciate you approach.
Now you must be thinking that where to find the good Joke or you listen many of them but when it comes to share - you go black. Isn't it? Well, this happens with everybody. So the best way is to just Google it. Which type of material you should share - It depends on your audience and situation. With kids, you can share some knock knock jokes and with your friends - some naughty ones where it comes to family - you must find some clean, and when you are in hurry - short one are the best. The main aim is to create a funny and light atmosphere.

2.) Comedy shows: This one is in trend now. Television is growing like anything. Comedy/laughter shows are having the highest TRPs. People love standing comic shows and enjoy them. This is the good source of fun. You can sit with your family and have the ultimate time together. Life is busy so you are but this entertainment industry is doing the best efforts to make the people laugh. It has got win win situation for them. They are doing good cause as well as earning handsome amount if money through advertisers.

3.) Sharing a funny incident: First, learn to laugh at yourself. This is the first rule when you wanna have fun. So never hesitate to share any silly moment where you had made a big mistake and dare to laugh at your silly incidents and let the laugh along with you.

4.) Watching a hilarious movie: Of-course, this option is great. Go for it and use the time well. This is value for money. Your one and half hour of time can be proved a great relaxation for your mind. It is good break and you gonna have real fun. Enjoy with your friends and family.

5.) Spending time with Kids: Kids are face of God. Their smile, their naughty behaviour and their way of doing the things, and questions makes your time well use. It is not bad to be a kid and have a blast. Even 30 minutes time can make you feel so good. They will make you the happiest person on this earth. Their innocence and love will create a wonderful world for your. So whenever you get a chance, just grab it.

6.) Joining laughter clubs: Artificial laughter is as good as natural. These laughter clubs are made to do this exercise only and you gonna have numerous health benefits with this. Make a world better and have this trick with your fellows.

We all know that life is too short to take tensions still we take it, live with it, sleep thinking about it and life ends so we repent. It is never too late to live life from the beginning. At the end, only good work will be remembered. Meet people with enthusiasm, greet them in good way, appreciate them and enjoy whatever you have, wherever you go and with whomsoever you meet,

Friday 30 September 2016

Voice Chat Room : Pakjazz Chat Room

Voice Chat Room : Pakjazz Chat Room

Voice Chat Room | Online Voice Chat Room | Free Voice Online Chat | No Registration Mobile Chat| Voice Chat Room For Girls And Boys | Call Chat Room.
Voice Chat Room

Tuesday 27 September 2016
















I was invited to this indoor wedding. When I reached the Venue (hotel), a few minutes ago, I found two doors written:

1. Bride relatives
2. Groom relatives

"Hmmmm interesting" I said to myself as I entered the door marked *Groom relatives*
and found two more doors written:

1. Ladies
2. Men

I entered the Men's door and found two doors written;

1. People with gifts
2. People without gifts.

I entered the second door (People without gifts)
and found myself outside of the hotel.



My neighbour's kid came running to me asking, Uncle, what is that thing you call when two people sleep in the bedroom and one is on top of the other ? "
Initially, I was shocked, then quickly recovered and thought.. that it would be good to be honest. I then described everything about marriage and sex.
Kid said okay and ran back to his house. A short while later, he returned, "Uncle that's called a Bunk-bed. And my parents want to talk to you now !!



A teacher came to class and asked a question
TEACHER: Who killed Goliath?
STUDENT 1: it's not me
STUDENT 2: I wasn't at school that day.
STUDENT 3: I don't know.

The teacher went to the Headteacher's office and told the HM that students in that class don't know who killed Goliath.
The HM came to that class and asked...
HM: Who killed Goliath?
CLASS: we r not the ones..!!!
HM.: If u don't tell me who killed goliath, you'll see fire today...!!😁
CLASS : We don't know.
The HM turned to the teacher and asked; are you sure Goliath was killed by someone from this class??🤔

The teacher fainted....!!😳😂😂😂

Sunday 25 September 2016

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Saturday 24 September 2016



