Wednesday 24 December 2014

Sequel of Jokes

Heartiest thanks to all readers for their outstanding response in UK/USA, encouraging/enabling us to write 'Sequel of Jokes' for non-stop entertainment, having more joyful time and ensuring, you live your life having enough laughter with friends and family. This time - our jokes are funny, short, latest, contain more comedy with well timing. You can understand the pranks more clearly and easily because they're now info-graphic. We trust that you all gonna make it as viral as its previous version.

Let us also lime light that bringing this thing into your daily life rally helps to live 100 percent of your time. Humor really gives you lots of hidden benefits like: you get energy, feel more refreshed, remove boredom, come more close to everyone, reduce stress, better blood pressure and much more. We do our best effort to keep it upgraded so that every tie you visit, you find some different, something meaningful, something to have fun with. So get ready for smile and keep exploring/sharing.

Once a man went to a marriage..

as he enters - there were 2 doors - the message was for friend and second relatives.. He enters in friends gate.
Again there were 2 doors - one was for ladies and another was for gents.. He enters in Gents..
Again there were 2 doors - One was for with gifts and another was for without gifts.. So he enters in without gift..
And he reaches on the street with message - shy on you - in my marriage without gift for meal.. huh


Doctor: How your face burnt?
Man: I was ironing my clothes and phone rang and...
Doctor: Aha, but the another side of face burnt as well?
Man: Oh Doctor, these people are very dumb. Someone called again.


If this is coffee, please bring me some tea. If this is tea, please bring me some coffee.


The man wanted to become a great Scientist like Nutone..
after long research - he wrote the forth law of motion.
"Loose motion can never be done in slow motion"


What is the meaning of greet dot on tiger Biscuit..
It means - the Tiger is On line..


Knock Knock!
Who's there?
Europe.. Europe who?
No your a poo..Lol


Man called frantically into the phone: My wife is pregnant and her contractions are only two minutes apart!
Doctor: Is this her first child?
Man shouted: No, this is her husband!


Girl:Are you coming to my party tonight?
Boy:Ops - I am Sorry. I can not be there.
Girl: Why?
Boy: Because, I have to get up REALLY early tomorrow afternoon!


I told him that look at that dead bird!
She looked up at the sky and said..."Where???"


Just imagine, how many miles you have scrolled with mouse wheel.


We teens are always full of energy until they say the words: clean up..


Teacher: Why are you late?
Me: At least I came!


Hey - I didn't fall - This floor just needed a big hug!


My grandpa always told, "Don't watch your money; watch your health." So one day while I was watching my health, someone stole my money. It was my grandfather.


A man goes to a psychiatrist and says, "Doctor, my brother gone crazy, he thinks he's a chicken." The doctor says, "Why don't you turn him in?" The guy says, "We would. But we need the eggs."


A guy shows up late for work. The boss yells "You should have been here at 9:30!" he replies: "Why? What happened at 9:30?"


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