Thursday 31 August 2017

Jokes - to Make anyone's day brighter

Jokes work like a booster because they enable the teller and listener to laugh a lot and laughing makes your mood so good. It spread positive energy into your mind and body. As we know life is full of tensions and struggles. Everyone is running for something. Rich want to get more richer and poor are struggling to arrange for their basic needs. Middle class people are under immense pressure of maintaining the status.

So in these difficult world, we have taken responsibility to make you laugh with our new, funny and humorous jokes, so read, share, energize people and have fun

Teacher: What is the difference between Song and lecture?
Student: When other women say something, it feels like a sweet song. Her voice attacks on our heart. So nice.. AND when our own wife says something - Ahh.. It is a lecturer..
NEXT DAY - Teacher gave the student a good treat for having such a deep knowledge --:) :) :)

Man: My wife is missing..
Postman: This is post office NOT police station..
Man: I am really sorry - out of happiness - I am confused and do not understand where to go..

Wife always call men a fool..
and then say.. we are ahead of men.. LoL

Sunday 13 August 2017

LOL - American Jokes to Laugh like Crazies

America is the land of wonderful people. Here, you'll all kind of people i.e. witty, funny, smart, intelligent, brilliant and so on. As our topic is related to humor, so he we gonna share top American jokes which makes you laugh like anything.

Here you go..
Do you know the difference between the US and yogurt? . . . . . . . . . . .
Well, yes - If you leave yogurt alone for 300 years, it develops a culture.

Man to priest: So I will get the same wife in next birth also?
Priest: Yes please.
Man: Then there is no benefit of suicide as well :(

Boy: I fall in love in love with a nice Girl..!!
Girl: Good!! Who is she?
Boy: She is your shadow.. and looks a bit like you....
Girl: Awwww!! Is it me?
Boy: No, Your sister..

Boy: I hate to see a girl standing in a bus when I am comfortably seated.
Girl: So what do you do?
Boy:I close my eyes and sleep.

Seems like you wearing your wedding ring on the wrong finger?
Yes you are right.. but I married the wrong woman.

Q: What's the difference between a knife and a woman arguing? .

Well , a knife has a point.

What do you call a french man killed defending his country?
I don't know either, its never happened!

Spouse:what will you give me if i arrived the top of mountain?
Hubby: A little push