Sunday 9 November 2014

Never Ending Jokes

Somethings like jokes, never ends. There are always millions of things to laugh at. Daily uncountable people get up and start a new chapter of thier lives, and somehow in their daily activities, numberless funny situations arise. People like us just grab those instances and give you a good material have fun or to share with anyone to create a good laughter.

So here, we are here adding some good newest funny pranks to add more value into our never ending journey of entertaining your world.

Wife: Can u help me in the gardening?
Husband: What do u think I am...a gardener?
Wife: Can u fix the door handle?
Husband: What do you think I am... a Carpenter?
Next day, when husband came from work, he saw everything has been fixed.
Husband: Who did all this ?
Wife: Our neighbour.
But he gave me two options.....Either I should give him a burger or a kiss.
Husband: I am sure u must have given him a burger. Wife: What do u think I am.......McDonalds?!!

Boss: Do you take anything seriously?
Employee: Yes..My phone's low battery warning!!

One of stupidest question ever: What is my Nationality?

If 7 out of 12 people suffer from skin injuries does that mean the 5 of them enjoy!

Now, which way should I choose?
To the left, where nothing is right...
To the the right, where nothing�s left?

Either you like me, or you're gone mad!

If they count the speed of light, do they also notice the speed of dark?

Why do ducks have webbed feet?
Simple -- To stamp out fires.

Why do elephants have flat feet?
Well -- To stamp out burning ducks.

Best way to reduce weight!
First turn your neck to the right and then to the left.Repeat this exercise everytime when you're offered something to eat!